Apart from few well known class hackers , we have following categories of hackers based | Ethical hacking

🔰🔰Miscellaneous Hackers

Apart from few well known class hackers , we have following categories of hackers based on what they hack and how they do it-

🔴RED HAT HACKERS: Red hat hackers  are blend of both black hat and white  hat hackers . They are usually on the level of Hacking government agencies , top secret information hubs and generally anything that falls under the category of sensitive information.

🔵Blue hat hackers: A blue hat hacker is someone outside computer security consulting firms who bug tests a system prior to its launch, looking for exploits so they can be closed. Blue Hat Hacker also refers to the security professional invited by Microsoft to find vulnerabilities in Windows.

🔴Elite Hackers: Elite hacker is the name utilized by the community with the aim of identifying those individuals who are deemed to be as experts in their line of work. These people are actually on the “cutting edge” of both the computer and network industry.

🔴Script Kiddie : script kiddie or skiddie is an unskilled individual who uses scripts or programs developed by others to attack computer systems and networks and deface websites.

🔴Neophyte: Someone who is new to Hacking or phreaking and has almost no knowledge or experience of the workings of technology and Hacking.

🔴Hactivist : A hacker who utilizes technology to announce a social , ideological , religious or political message . In general , most hactivism involves website defacement or denial-of-service attacks. 🔰🔰

- Fundamental Terms-

 In this section we will talk about information security, ethical hacking. This is just an introduction with some of the basic basic concepts.

🔥 MAC Address: (Media Acces Control) A unique 48-bit code that is assigned by the manufacturers of their network cards. This physical code is written to the EEPROM memory of the card and is used for the first authentication phase to a local network by a network device (router, switch, repeter, etc.) which then assigns a local IP address.

🔥 Note: The importance of not leaving a trace of a MAC address lies in the fact that this information is memorized inside the network devices, which do not always allow to delete the logs. This address will also be sent to the ISP (Internet Service Provider) which will store it in its own databases.

🔥 Hostname: The hostname is the name that we can assign to a device, with which it will be recognized within a network.

🔥️ IP address: Unique series of numbers that identifies a computer device connected to a network.
  ● Local IP: It is assigned by an internal network device (Modem, router), used to identify a device within a local network.
  ● Public IP: It is assigned by the ISP (Internet Service Provider), used to identify a network or an IT device. This address can not be edited but only hidden.

🔥 DNS: DNS are "alternative names" to IP addresses, in fact we could identify a specific target such as and its corresponding DNS addressIPlocale.it (for example).
Few questions

1.What is the full form of DNS?

2. What is NTP ??

3. What is MIB??

4. Burp suite is used for .........???

5. What is Enumeration?

6. What is keylogger Trojan??

7. Teardrop attack is part of which famous Attack??

8. What is CSRF??

9. What is John the ripper??

10. What is cracking?? No Google definition.


1. Domain name system.

2. Network time protocol.

3. MIB is a virtual database. It contains all the formal description about the network objects that can be used using SNMP.

4. Attacking web applications.

5. The process of extracting machine name, user names, network resources shares and services from a system.

6.Keylogger trojan is a malicious software that can monitor your keystroke, logging them to a file and sending them off to remote attackers.

7. DOS (Denial of service) Attack.

8. CSRF is an attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application in which they're currently authenticated.

9. John the ripper is a password cracking software tool.

10. A melicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information by gaining access to any system.

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