how to cook Mango Cake Papdi | papdi | haldirams style papdi | easy to cook papdi

Mango Cake Papdi

The moment we say “Papdi”, the immediate thought that comes to our mind is the usual tasty Soan papdi, but how about satiating our loved ones beyond words by making papdi with a sweet and tangy twist??

Let’s not waste any further time and swiftly take a look into the recipe of the most palatable “Mango Papdi”
Cuisine: Indian                        Prep time:15 min
Course: Dessert                        Cooks in:25 min
Diet: Vegetarian                    Total time:40 min
Equipment Used: Hard Anodised Kadai            Serves: 8 people

  • Mango pulp: 1 cup
  • Ghee: 1 cup (varies as per need)
  • Jaggery: 3/4 cup
  • Wheat flour:3/4 cup
  • Besan flour: 1 cup
  • Milk maid: 4 spoon
  • Cashew: Few
  • Chironji dry nuts (Saara paruppu): Few
  • Illaichi powder: 1 Tsp
  • Kesari powder: 1 Tsp
  • Water: As per need (to dissolve jaggery and remove impurities)
  • Salt: A pinch
How to make the Mango Papdi??
  1. First dissolve jaggery in water to remove impurities/ dust. Then drain impurities and take the clean jaggery solution and keep it aside.
  2. Now dry roast Besan/Wheat flour one after the other until the raw smell goes and it starts to give a good fragrance and by that time the colour of the flour also would have also changed.
  3. Now mix the roasted wheat/Besan flour and keep them aside.
  4. Add 2 tbsps of ghee and add mango pulp to it and stir well. Now on top of this add the flour mixture.
  5. After stirring mixture well, add the jaggery water to it.
  6. Mix everything well and keep adding the remaining ghee from time to time and it must not be added all at once. At this stage add milk maid to get the flavour of milk and richness in texture.
  7. After stirring well for some time, the mixture will become thick and at this stage add kesari powder by mixing it with water so that colour would spread evenly throughout the dish.
  8. Keep adding ghee intermittently and keep stirring the mixture. Add a pinch of salt so that sweetness will taste uniformly throughout the dish.
  9. In some time, the ghee will separate from the sweet and the texture would look very thick. At this stage add illachi powder and give a good stir and remove it from the stove to spread it on a plate. Add cashews and Chironji nuts now. After couple of minutes cut the papdi in the desired shape and size.

Quick tips:
  • While roasting the wheat/Besan flour be careful that it doesn’t get burnt, so remember not keep the flame very high.
  • Adding all ghee at once will result in the ghee getting observed quickly and required texture for the papdi may not be attained.



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